While browsing through the Oprah.com website, I came across the most inspiring article! It is titled The One Action You Must Take to Get on the Path to Lasting Happiness, written by Life Coach, Martha Beck. In her article she explains why staring down your shortcomings (and learning to except them) can put you on the path to lasting happiness. What I got out of this article is that you must know the truth and accept the truth in order to really be happy and content in your life. I know from experience, that when you neglect or live in denial about certain situations that occur in your life and only let yourself see or believe what you want, it can cause a worse outcome in your life then if you just take it ALL in and accept it for what it is and live your life with no regrets! Being a single mother to my son I cannot and will not allow myself to be anything but Happy! My life has become so full of happiness for my son and I once I finally came to the realization and acceptance that the "picture perfect family" I had always hoped for was never going to work out, and I was in fact going to raise my son as a single parent. I truly feel as though coming to the acceptance of my situation was the best and most positive thing I could have done, in fact I wish I would have done it sooner! I'm living my life with no denial, no regrets, and accepting everything that comes my way! You only live once...so live it Happily! :)
I have to say being a single parent is one of the most difficult full-time jobs, but yet it's the most fulfilling at the same time! I wouldn't trade it for anything. My son gives me the strength and courage to achieve ALL of my short-term and long-term goals. Anything is possible as long as you stay positive!